We are well represented in Europe, Asia and Africa. Our Rotterdam Logistics office opened in 2019 and since then business has been thriving! The intial focus was on importing beverages from all over Europe to Norway. With many years’ experience and close relations to various wine and spirit providers, a logical step was to expand our services to also include beverage distribution to Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
Our fast-growing Dutch team is now relocating to a new, larger office in Moerdjik. The choice of Moerdjik is of course not coincidental!
From Moerdijk, a growing number of short-sea connections take you directly to every corner of Europe: from the Baltic States and Scandinavia to England, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The Port of Moerdijk is committed to making the port more sustainable with focus on promoting the modal shift and expanding the short-sea network.
Further, Moerdijk has a wide range of railway connections direct from its outgoing terminal. European economic hubs are served regularly by the Moerdijk-Antwerp rail link and the Green Xpress Network.
Combining water transport and rail leads to less truck traffic and congestion on the road, also reducing CO2 emissions substantially. Avoiding congested motorways around Rotterdam, we can optimize deliveries and planning.
From our new premises, we can offer our customers an even better service - in terms of access to more transportation options and warehouse space.
You can find our colleagues in Moerdijk here